In this production, everybody’s so spooked by
the idea of adulthood they’re willing to trap themselves in a
dimension where time has no meaning. But to be fair, it does have a
monkey. Haven’t you always wanted a monkey?
When tri. was first announced, there was a healthy
skepticism over whether a new team could write the Adventure
characters with the depth and maturity they deserve. The end product
is a challenging, thought-provoking critique of the digidestined
concept with more care for each character’s problems and
peculiarities than we could have ever hoped for. The same skepticism
applied to a stage play. How could a live production do justice to
these kids, both as we saw them in Adventure and how they developed
in tri., especially with puppets portraying the Digimon? The end
product isn’t as challenging—the stage is too ephemeral for
that—but the attention paid to staying true to each of these
characters and what makes them compelling gets even more of the
spotlight. The story is as fleeting as its medium, but the character
work is a triumph, making it a worthy addendum to both Adventure and
While tri. is obsessed with the broader question
of what it really means to be a digidestined and how a kid matures
with that weight on their back, the stage play takes a more personal
look at each of the eight and how their individual experience both
strengthens and entraps them. The whole thing takes place in an
artificial reality where the problems introduced in tri. don’t
exist but the good stuff like the Digimon being around, Koushiro’s
nifty server for them, and Taichi’s distortion goggles still are.
Everyone’s happy to go on this trip to commemorate August 1, but
some are worried that they’ll have to drag Joe and Taichi kicking
and screaming: Joe because of his exams and Taichi because his
broadening perspective may make him frown on an excursion designed to
evoke memories of when he was 11.

These rose-tinted memories are challenged in tri.
by three new digidestined whose experiences shattered rather than
strengthened them. The play asks how they’re supposed to progress
into a hopeful future if the past will always be seen as the
unsurpassable glory days. In the second act, when everyone’s
roughly aware of what’s happening but the only way out is for each
of them to recognize and undo their subconscious desires, it’s the
Digimon who help them see their past adventures not as the pinnacle
of their lives, but rather a foundation they can begin to shape their
futures around.

The story itself is the tried and true old yarn
about living in an internal fantasy vs. accepting an unknowable
future/harsh reality, with enough digital flourishes to sort of make
sense in this universe. The only action is reserved for the end and
does more to show off some impressive set pieces and puppetry than
provide coherent drama. Before that, Etemon provides the conflict
while serving as a combination guide, villain, and fellow prisoner.
His over-the-top, fourth-wall-breaking performance often steals the
show, while still proving to be a compelling character in his own
right. Everything undoes itself in the end, leaving the kids back to
worrying about distortions and Meicoomon and Joe’s grades, but it’s
a deep and enjoyable sidebar building off tri. while adding in its
own share of new memories.
My Grade: A
Loose Data:
- While the Digimon are feeling attacked and lethargic in the prologue, Palmon complains about having low blood pressure. Palmon is a plant Digimon. I have questions.
- Thanks to their original Digital World trip, Mimi’s idea of camping is to bring no provisions and forage and work for every scrap of food and shelter. What’s even more hilarious about this is recalling that when they were first pulled into the Digital World, Mimi happened to have a confounding amount of useful supplies on her.
- Props to Taichi’s actor for successfully playing keepie uppie with a real soccer ball on stage!
- As a stage performance, it’s anything but subtle, with actors using a loud, expressive delivery. That said, there are some lovely background moments, such as Tailmon’s visible reaction to Joe reminding everyone of how many Digimon they watched die. For an expressionless puppet, you really feel her there.
- When prompted for a ghost story, Hikari launches into a very vivid account of her first Dark Ocean trip, scaring the crap out of Mimi. Probably wise nobody called for her to tell one in Coexistence.
- Amazing what solid grades do for Joe. Thanks to this fantasy world giving Joe consistently solid results on his mock exams, he’s more upbeat and free to go camping. He especially takes an interest in mentoring Yamato through his crisis, and his reassurance that anyone partnered with a Digimon would want to keep them forever hits straight at the complexity over Maki’s situation.
While I'm still trying to wrap my head around where all this fits into Tri's timeline, I loved this play, for all the reasons you mentioned and then some. I really liked the cast. Yes, their performances were over-the-top, but then they really felt like anime characters made flesh and played out the characters' quirks very well.
ReplyDeleteSo this is supposed to take place between Loss and Coexistence? In the middle of Loss? Before Loss? I'm so confused...