Tamers Episode 48: Shadow of the Beast King

In this episode, communication's enhanced, Grani has a new gun, agents are falling and Beelzemon's hellbent on rescuing Jeri. Just one teensy problem with that...

Tamers Episode 47: His Kingdom For A Horse

In this episode, Jeri's father seeks to atone for his rough parenting the only way he knows how... by stealing Mr. Matsuki's truck and crashing it into the bad guys.

Tamers Episode 46: When Is A Mon Justimon?

In this episode, guess who's coming in yet again to bail out the good guys, saving the day and acting all high and mighty. Wait... Kenta?

Tamers Episode 45: The D-Reaper's Disguise

In this episode, the good news is that the weird nihilistic Jeri is actually the first agent in disguise. The bad news is that only D-Reaper knows where the real nihilistic Jeri is.

Tamers Episode 44: The Messenger

In this episode, if the random Lovecraft references don't get you, the strange gothic lolita girl that might be dead will.