Adventure Episode 16: The Arrival of Skullgreymon

In this episode, Tai turns into an asshole. Or maybe he always was an asshole. Either way, the results are badass. Er... bad. I mean bad.

Adventure Episode 15: The Dark Network of Etemon

In this episode, a new villain emerges! Yes, it's an Elvis-impersonating monkey. Yes, they're serious. Yes, he is actually pretty evil.

Adventure Episode 14: Departure for a New Continent

In this episode, a hologram of a strange old man convinces the kids to commit suicide rather than stay on the blasted island. Several Digimon make sure they don't die.

Adventure Episode 13: The Legend of the Digidestined

In this episode, everything comes to a head in an action-packed finale! Everything is resolved as you'd expect. Except they aren't actually done yet. Oh, and TK's Digimon dies.

Adventure Episode 12: Digibaby Boom

In this episode, a lot of cute things happen. Cute kid, cute village, cute baby Digimon, cute fighting, cute flashback... cute way to spend time not doing anything.

Adventure Episode 11: The Dancing Digimon

In this episode, Gomamon and Sora make Joe turn into a goddamn action hero again, this time solely for their own amusement. The Bakemon get a pretty big kick out of it too.

Adventure Episode 10: A Clue From The Digi-Past

In this episode, Mimi somehow goes the whole length without slapping anybody. Plenty of deserving candidates, but not one of them gets a glove across the face.

Adventure Episode 09: Subzero Ice Punch!

In this episode, Matt loses his mind and almost gets himself, Gabumon and Tai killed in the process. The fangirls love it.

Adventure Episode 08: Evil Shows His Face

In this episode, Devimon, Ogremon and Leomon act out an old samurai movie, stilted dialogue and all. Tai and them just stand around in their underwear watching.

Adventure Episode 07: Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo

In this episode, Joe sets out to prove himself as the rational pragmatist of the group by turning into a goddamn action hero.

Adventure Episode 06: Togemon In Toy Town

In this episode, a cactus with boxing gloves and a giant yellow teddy bear beat the snot out of each other. And that's the normal part.

Adventure Episode 05: Kabuterimon's Electro Shocker

 In this episode, Izzy says nuts to all that danger business and enters a cheat code to make Tentomon digivolve. We also finally learn some things about this joint.

Adventure Episode 04: Biyomon Gets Firepower

In this episode, some adorable Yokomon and the heart-warming friendship between Sora and Biyomon shield us from the dark, horrible universe we all are trapped in.

Adventure Episode 03: Garurumon

In this episode, Matt decides he's been flying under the radar and gets all angry and emo. Since it's Matt, he still looks cool in the process.

Adventure Episode 02: The Birth of Greymon

In this episode, the group argues about the best course of action and discovers that while the kids are incredibly well-equipped for the environment, the Digimon are not.

Adventure Episode 01: And so it begins...

In this episode, a bunch of In-Training level Digimon attempt to make a good first impression, in hopes of never being seen in that form again.

Digimon Adventure: Opening

In this episode, the Japanese opening and some basic structure and insight as we begin Digimon Adventure. You're mostly here for the Japanese opening.

Introduction: Return To The Digital World

In this episode, I announce a mission statement in order to function as a test post while I figure out how I want things to look. On the plus side, no evolution sequences!