In this episode, Ryo helps the group
find shelter for the night, gets his Digimon to snap a dragon in half
with its bare hands, then leaves the party to fend for themselves.
There is a right sharp number of great
moments here. There's stuff that's interesting visually, funny,
eerily familiar, creepy, sentimental and downright epic. Kazu and
Kenta are successfully reunited with Takato, Henry and Jeri while
Rika and Renamon are still on a solo tour. One more Deva is
eliminated, this time in unbelievable fashion. This should be a great
And yet... all together it just doesn't
pack the punch of a tight, cohesive episode. It feels more like a
series of independent segments, with no thematic connection and just
happening to connect to each other in the timeline. Each segment
works on its own, but when it's all put together it doesn't seem like
it amounts to a whole lot.

If Ryo is helpful there, he's critical
to the team surviving an attack from dragon Deva Majiramon when he
uses the super-special-awesome card (that only he's good enough to
use) to grow Cyberdramon to Majiramon's size and snap the Deva into
oblivion. Yes, the card nonsense is silly, but it is an epic kill.
The episode seems to be focused on cementing the fact that the tamers
would all be doomed to die horrible deaths without Ryo around... then
has Ryo abandon them when Cyberdramon gets a little too bloodlusty.
All that buildup and he's out of the picture just like that.

Jeri notices all of the feels Takato is
having over the letter and her smile alone seems to help him with his
homesickness. There have been a few moments between Takato and Jeri
sprinkled into the last few episodes, but this is the first time they
get a proper scene alone. It's clear that Takato's affection for her
is still present, which is an important reminder as he's previously
shown a little guilt in dragging her along and uncertainty in her
less-than-nuanced approach to adventuring. Even more important is the
developing affection Jeri has for Takato. She's been growing more
fond of him ever since he introduced her to Guilmon, and it's one of
the motivations behind her increased interest in Digimon, her desire
for a partner, and determination in going into the Digital World.
With that established, it makes it all the more heartbreaking when
everything goes to hell.
My Grade: B
Loose Data:
- Sometimes all it takes is a paint job. The first half of the episode becomes a ton more fun with the strange, monochrome style of the plain they find themselves in.
- Rika and Renamon may put a premium on words, and Renamon doesn't need many of them to explain that Rika done screwed up.
- At least there's some comic value in the random shots of Calumon wandering aimlessly in the desert. It's important for storytelling purposes, but the silly songs, cape antics and dealing with the Muttley-esque Doggymon (used to even greater effect in Frontier) are worthwhile.
- The bedroom Ryo puts them up in is a dead ringer for the mansion in episode 8 of Adventure. It's still not a trap as there wasn't a picture of an angel on the wall.
- Instead, the angel-motif is in Takato's room, where he has posters of Patamon and Gatomon over his bed.
- Poor Majiramon. You'd think the dragon Deva would get a little more screentime instead of being stuck as Makuramon's steed and Cyberdramon's bitch. Still, it could have been worse: at least he wasn't a flipping seahorse.
I think the monochrome was a nod to German expressionism, a style of cinema in the 20s. That may be reading too deep in a kid's show, but with Chiaki Konaka in charge... who knows?
ReplyDeleteIs it just me, or did Makuramon lose a lot of villain points upon his return to the Digital World? In the real world, he was creepy, menacing, patient, and competent. Once he loses Calumon, though, he just becomes a coward and a joke who virtually never gets anything done right. I wouldn't mind so much, except the Devas were already down a few badass points and Majiramon missed out on earning them some more thanks to a character I didn't care for all that much.
ReplyDeleteI didn't even remember that Ryo existed until I read the last couple of episode reviews and already I hate him. Those had better be some darn amazing video games...