In this episode, Leomon dies. This
time it's for keeps.
In every season of Digimon, somebody's
partner dies. In every other season, the partner comes back. Before
we get bogged down trying to define “partner,” “dies” and
“comes back” in the context of Frontier, think about the impact
on the unlucky kid. It marks a transformation for characters like Ken
and Marcus, and causes nightmares for TK even years after the fact.
There is no understating how much a Digimon's death can change
people, even when rebirth is inevitable. And yet, only in Tamers is a
death so powerful that it permanently shifts the tone of the entire
series, spiraling everything and everyone into incomparable darkness.
There's almost no point in bringing up
anything that happens prior to the battle with Beelzemon, but
Leomon's final conversation with Jeri defines one of the primary
themes of the series- the difference between strength and power.
Power, whether it be physical like Beelzemon or even political or
technological like Yamaki at Hypnos, doesn't add up to much without
the resolve and courage to use it the right way. There is a callback
to Rika and Renamon's partnership from the latter's perspective,
which reminds us of Rika's initial request- one strong Digimon. While
not the most powerful, Renamon was the strongest of the lot, which
bore itself out once Rika finally figured out the difference.
Leomon consistently calls Jeri strong,
which is still a tough sell at this point. The audience doesn't piece
together just how tough a girl this is until the very end of the
series, and even then it's hardly unanimous. We've seen little bits
of it- her unflinching willingness to enter the Digital World,
satisfying Orochimon until her rescue and just being able to keep up
with the likes of Takato and Rika. But we don't know about her rough
family life and emotional issues, so it's hard to see what Leomon
sees in her.

Jeri, of course, is not well. Her
initial reaction is raw and loud, as it should be. Her partner, that
she had been growing quite attached to, was just viciously murdered
in front of her. Any other reaction would be too soft. When it
becomes a full-on nervous breakdown, that's when it becomes
interesting. She refuses anyone's assistance, angrily shaking Kazu
away, demanding to be left alone to freak out in peace. The only
thing that she cares about is Takato going berserk, and it makes her
even worse.

All season long, Takato has been
concerned that Guilmon will become less recognizable and less
controllable as he evolves. Well, now the script is flipped and
Takato loses every shred of humanity in a moment of pure rage. He
rips the leash off and orders Guilmon to evolve into whatever goddamn
hideous beast he wants in order to destroy Beelzemon. This would be
the exact opposite of taming.
Oh, the goddamn hideous beast shows up alright, but in doing so
Takato discards any right to being called a tamer. While Jeri's
digivice merely went dark, Takato's totally shatters.
Grade: A
- Kenta's riding Growlmon at the start of the episode. Any explanation on how Guilmon evolved without either Takato or Calumon? Or is Kenta really making waves in his effort to become Guilmon's new tamer?
- At the beginning of the episode, Kazu says they can't go home without finding Takato and Calumon. After Leomon's death, he's the first one out the door, Calumon be damned.
- Was Takato serious in thinking he could go in, bust up some Sovereign heads and free Calumon... using only Terriermon?
- Between the digi-gnomes and random blue card summoning, I can't figure out if Henry sending Terriermon straight to Rapidmon without Calumon's help breaks the rules or not.
- There's something really off about Leomon's voice when he's talking to Beelzemon. I get that it's an intense moment, but he's so gruff that you wonder if Devimon had gotten another black gear in him.
- You know it's bad when the influx of energy from Takato's rage makes the Hypnos system go nuts. Oh and hey, Tally's back!
Probably my favourite episode of all Digimon. Firstly, Rapidmon falls in one shot and there is the realization for Takato and Henry that Beelzemon is far and away the most powerful villain any of them have ever faced. Then the intensity of seeing Kyubimon and Leomon try and convince him that friendship is more important that power, to no avail. The pure emotion of Leomon's death and its impact on Jeri, Takato and Growlmon. Then the energy of the battle between Beelzemon and an enraged WarGrowlmon - who can surprisingly hold his own against the Mega, unlike Rapidmon. And finally the dark evolution and the destruction of the digivice that tells you, once and for all, that Guilmon has been well and truly replaced by a mindless beast that will haunt the tamers, especially Takato, for the rest of the series. And through it all, Jeri has gone from being crippled by emotional pain, to crushingly disappointed at Takato for what he has done. Just... perfection.
ReplyDeleteI know in the Japanese version Leomons parting words to Jeri are much different. he says to her face "Was my death inevitable?" going with what you find out about Jeri later makes her break down even more understandable.
ReplyDeleteI think the part about Growlmon being able to Digivolve on his own is an inconsistency in the story. It isn't acknowledged or explained away in the story and from what I've read there isn't a hidden bit of lore or a retcon to explain it.
ReplyDeleteAs far as Takato going in with just Terriermon, in the dialogue Takato notes that the Sovereign may only be trying to protect the Digital World (as Lopmon explains) and suggests that the Sovereign might be reasoned with. It was never his intent to fight the Sovereigns, only to try and sneak in and out with Calumon or possibly just negotiate with them. It's kind of a risky move but not as risky as a direct frontal assault would have been.
I always felt really bad for Takato here. He's going to get slammed for forcing Guilmon to turn into that monstrosity, and I get that... but on the other hand, is he really supposed to just stand there and watch everyone get slaughtered by Beelzemon??
ReplyDeleteThe good guys needed a Mega level digimon and since Kazu and Kenta didn't take along the two they found in that house then this was their only option. It's not like they could escape.