In this episode, even with the kids
in the Digital World, Hypnos finds a way to ruin their lives.
After some scuffling, the plot suddenly
has accelerated to an incredible speed and a million things are
happening at once. At the start of the episode, the team is
splintered and demoralized, nowhere near rescuing Calumon. At the end
of the episode... well, they're still splintered and demoralized and
nowhere near rescuing Calumon. But somewhere between that, they all
find themselves back together, with Calumon rescuing them. They make
two episodes worth of progress, then face two episodes worth of
setbacks. Somehow it doesn't feel too rushed.

Once the party is back together, it
unhinges quickly when Beelzemon shows up. After a murder spree to get
his feet wet, Chatsuramon sends him off to do his job. The kids are
all intimidated by this motorcycle punk, but Kyuubimon sniffs him
out, making things extra awkward. With Calumon now in tow, Rika busts
out the first Matrix Evolution of the arc, but we don't get to see
the battle resolved.
We do, however, get to see what's going
on back at Hypnos. With Yamaki and crew out of the picture, a
government asshole (for our purposes, let's give him a random name
like, oh, let's say... Kurata) is trying to reactivate Hypnos for
some unspecified (though likely nefarious) purpose. This is the first
time we see what happens in the Digital World when it's running. It
isn't pretty: a massive windstorm nearly blows the kids away. You
have to wonder if it was like this full time back when Hypnos was
running at full capacity. Either way, after Guilmon finds shelter,
Terriermon notices that this meddling does get the uplink back online
and Takato is able to get an e-mail through to Yamaki.

Still, the damage in the Digital World
is done. While the storm Juggernaut creates does well to halt the
battle with Beelzemon, Chatsuramon uses the opportunity to nab
Calumon. In the chaos, Takato, Henry and Terriermon get blasted into
data streams, never to be heard from again.
While none of that felt rushed, and
even felt tiresome during Beelzemon's Chrysalimon genocide, all that
plot advancement did prevent the episode from focusing on anything
with any degree of depth. Still, there's no sense lamenting the lack
of soul-searching on Yamaki's part when he returned to work,
Beelzemon's real thoughts on being unmasked or what the hell Kurata
was actually trying to accomplish reviving Juggernaut. After all, it
did advance the plot.
Grade: B+
Loose Data:
- I'm not sure I buy the logic that getting everybody together at the rally point would increase the odds of finding Calumon. In fact, even though Rika did return there, the suggestion was proven wrong because Calumon found Rika while she was venturing on her own.
- Leomon's ability to deadpan his way through anything, including saying an outright lie to distract Kazu and Kenta, has to be one of his most underrated features.
- Hey, Kenta shoehorned a Zero Two reference into the dub! It's been a while!
- Actually, the dub is really interesting in that a number of almost-but-not-quite violent shots were cut out (Kazu and Kenta's fighting, a closeup of Beelzemon pointing a gun at Kyuubimon), but a number of additional details (and borderline spoilers) about the digi-gnomes and Beelzemon's contract with the Devas were thrown in. I really can't complain about less violence and more information.
- Did Terriermon really make a corporal punishment joke? Public flagging? Shame the dub always insists on playing music, because that really did call for awkward silence (the tumbleweed was a nice touch though).
- Okay, Riley's way too into this whole “dating your boss” thing. The way she says “Mr. Boss Man” is far more censorship-worthy than any shot of Kazu putting Kenta in a headlock.
- Gotta love the Terriermon replacement that Suzie's holding while she and Janyuu look out the window.
The digignome look like mini Manaphies made of light
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly did the Digimon eat that they thought was chocolate?
ReplyDeleteRenamon seething at the Digi-Gnomes was kinda amusing.