In this episode, the Data Squad
meets BanchoLeomon's challenge to find more power... and overclock
their digivices in the process.
Yushima sacrificed himself to make sure the Data Squad got out of the Digital World. Sampson sacrificed himself so they could get back in. At some point, they're going to need to fight their own battles. You can't be too hard on them as they're going up against Mega-level Digimon far sooner and in far larger quantities than any previous protagonists. But the fact is, the only major enemy they've beaten on their own is Gotsumon. Every other battle had outside help. Now they're on their own against an entire army of Gizumon and three powerful ringers. They cannot win unless they get stronger.
Given his eventual role in the story,
but from the narrow viewpoint of these episodes... BanchoLeomon is
pretty much Piximon with an attitude. He bails out our heroes in
impressive fashion, says a bunch of cliches about the need to get
stronger, implies that power comes from the inside... and he's a
Leomon so you know he's going to die eventually. That's not a
criticism: if anything, it makes you appreciate how badass Piximon
BanchoLeomon does, however, refuse to
befriend/fight the Data Squad until they gain some power. It's a
harsh thing to say to four Digimon capable of going Ultimate, but
it's very true. As much as they've gone through, all of the potential
reality checks had been ignored thanks to outside forces saving the
day. Merukimon, Gotsumon's invading troops, SaberLeomon, the
Bio-Hybrids, and every Gizumon XT they've run into all overwhelmed
It's not all that different from the
Adventure kids floating by on a raft of dead Digimon. The
digidestined, however, were strong enough; the only added power they
received was from MagnaAngemon at the very end of the Piedmon fight.
Sacrifices like Piximon's prompted them to assess things better and
fight more intelligently. Thomas and Marcus provide strategic
intellect and strong gut instincts in a fight, so that's not their
problem. They're up against an army that is simply too much for them.
BanchoLeomon is forcing them to acknowledge that if they carry a
delusion that they can win in their current state (Takuya Code?), it
will end in disaster.

The Bio-Hybrids arrive again and the
Data Squad still can't beat them. Something about all the ass
kickings, the threat of the already-damaged forest going under, and
the beating poor Cherrymon takes for defending his land triggers a
massive response from the three humans and a power surge. This is, of
course, the power that BanchoLeomon was talking about and it's enough
to send the Bio-Hybrids into orbit. We've seen this sort of thing in
Tamers, and it makes all sorts of sense in this season that
red-blooded passion would become actual energy. It shows that the
human DNA element in the DNA Charge isn't just arbitrary terminology.

My Grade: B+
Loose Data:
- For some reason, we got Crowmon's long-form double evolution sequence, rather than the warp evolution sequence we saw with the other three.
- Even while the battles with the Bio-Hybrids are 3 on 3, they're already defaulting to the designated Marcus/Kouki, Thomas/Nanami, and Yoshi/Ivan battles. Now's the time for them to mix things up, but they don't do it nearly enough.
- While the DNA Charge is utilized appropriately, it's not quite as appropriate as its original name Soul Charge, which suggests something more emotional than biological. It's unclear why this term was changed; if “soul” was considered religiously taboo, they wouldn't use it in the opening song.
Did you notice that Crowmon got hit by a Gizumon XT's laser blast, and wasn't permanently deleted? When I saw that, it really bugged me because it didn't make sense, given both what the Gizumon XT are trying to do and what the laser has been shown to do. It's also part of the same problem of the Gizumon being ruthlessly straightforward when dealing with other Digimon, but resorting to non-lethal attacks when dealing with the main Digimon.
ReplyDeleteBanchoLeomon sure likes to use the word "friend" a lot. I think it was at a rate of twice per sentence, or something.
Also, we got a sneak preview of the Mega forms when the DNA charge went into overdrive. Neat!
"While the DNA Charge is utilized appropriately, it's not quite as appropriate as its original name Soul Charge, which suggests something more emotional than biological."
ReplyDeleteDNA stands for Digimon Natural Ability; it's not literally deoxyribonucleic acid. It makes a lot more sense near the end, when it manifests as a raw or "natural" desire to survive. Otherwise, yes, I agree that it still isn't a very good name compared with Soul Charge.
It in fact was called "Digisoul Charge" analysing it, somehow is the same as the "Xros Code" from Xros Wars. A unique human element that upon digitalization is/can be shared with digimon to help the grow while a connection is formed between them.